The Frixion are creating sparks again….
The Frixion
To Hell And Back
Analogue Trash
July 24, 2020
The Frixion are Gene Serene and Lloyd Price, and as a duo they have been making incredible music since 2017. “To Hell And Back” is their new single, and their first since 2019’s “I Cannot Play These Games”. And this may be their most important release yet.
Serene and Price have had a difficult time of late, and this neither the time or place to get into specifics, but suffice to say, this song is very reflective of the year both members experienced, and thankfully artists (and music lovers) have music to help cope with tragedies. In the same vein as New Order, Depeche Mode, Nick Cave and Mount Eerie, The Frixion use music to express the sadness they experienced but also the strength to survive.
One listen to the song, it is clear that this means a great deal to both. Musically, it has a heavy and dense sound, while maintaining an incredible melody. Not so much melancholy but a fascinating mixture of sadness and anger. Quite brilliant. The E.P. features a ‘slow version’ that works even better. Though not a copy, the music does harken back to the sounds of Ultravox and Alphaville. But yet, it is distinctly The Frixion. The music sets the stage perfectly for Serene’s stunning vocals.
Lyrically, it is a work of art. Although intensely personal to the band, one who has also gone through hard times will be able to identify. “I have been to hell and back again…I didn’t think I would make it through.” The will to survive is compounded with the question, “Can I pull through?” Very human and very poignant. The song is an internal conversation with one’s self, about pulling through. But while the song clearly deals with loss, the lyrics are so well written that one can interpret the song from the person losing their life and those left behind. It is brilliant.
The E.P. contains two mixes of older songs, “I Cannot Play These Games (Warboy Remix)” and “Deceive A Believer (Nude Sound System Remix)” and though both are welcome additions to the E.P. and pretty damn good remixes, especially “I Cannot Play These Games”, they are bonus tracks. The real star of the show is their new material and here is a band not afraid to show how they have grown and developed over a very short time.
The band have reported that there will be an album released later this year. This is incredible news, and I, for one, look forward to hearing more from The Frixion. While they have already developed an incredible catalog, new music from this remarkably talented duo is always welcome. “To Hell And Back” is, as mentioned, an important song. It uses electronic music to touch on very human emotions and experiences. It may be the single of the year.
BB Star Rating
4.5 out 5
Aaron Badgley – BB Music Team
Here are the links ⬇️ so get on it! Or else!…/al…/to-hell-and-back-ep/1524509999……/B08DF3PDZ1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_YZ…